Saturday, May 19, 2012

Wallpapers That Wow

Another Room wallpaper by Tracy Kendall
Bookshelf wallpaper by Young and Battaglia
Chesterfield wallpaper by Young and Battaglia
White bookshelf wallpaper by Young and Battaglia
Scrapwood wallpaper from Piet Hein Eek

As the wallpaper revival continues, and with so many beautiful designs around at the moment, I'm finding the decision is not whether to use wallpaper but which ones to choose.

You could really embrace the trend right now, covering rooms wall to wall or you could just give it a nod with a standout strip or feature wall. The options are endless when it comes to design. I'm loving the bold geometric and nature-inspired botanical prints, especially by Florence Broadhurst, but there are also some lovely subtle designs in light shades that work really well, especially in bedrooms where soothing tones are required. Either way, the wallpaper you choose is guaranteed to give your home fresh energy.  

Mr Perswall
Mr Perswall
Your Wallpaper
Florence Broadhurst
Florence Broadhurst
Dya-think-e-saurus wallpaper by Paperboy

Here are a few more inspiring images from around the internet. Sources are at the bottom of the post. 

For a wide range of wallpapers, I recommend you visit wallpaper boutique Netti & Gee in Parnell, Auckland or online store Paper Room


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