Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Pinterest | Picks & Peeks

I've been mulling over Pinterest post ideas for quite some time now. As one of my top 'go-to' places for inspiration, I've decided to start a regular Pinterest blog column. I love discovering amazing pinners and boards, so this will be a great way of sharing some with you! I'll also be looking at Pinterest themes, trends and my favourites from the week. 

Today I'm kicking off with some moodboards I've recently curated, using images from my Pinterest boards. If you follow The Design Chaser on Facebook you'll have seen these already, but today I've put in some colour palettes, for added inspiration. 

All images via my Pinterest Boards. If you like these, pop over and follow along!

Today I've chosen to spotlight Maia McDonald and share some of her pins with you. She was one of the first pinners I followed and I'm a complete devotee. A talented graphic designer and self-confessed visual junky, she curates gorgeous, stylish boards. I recommend you also check out her fabulous blog Conundrum and the lovely work she does for online magazine Rue

01 Pin | 02 Pin | 03 Pin | 04 Pin | 05 Pin | 06 Pin

Are you on Pinterest? I'd love to see your boards! Do you have any favourite pinners? Let me know your Pinterest link and pinners you love in the comment section below. Don't be shy - I'd love to hear from you! 

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