Saturday, December 29, 2012

Blog Love | Deas & Mia

Holidays are great aren't they? We had a wonderful day yesterday catching up with friends for lunch, taking the kids to the park and then cooling off at home in the paddling pool with a hose! I can't get enough of listening to the boys squealing with delight. It brings back so many lovely memories of childhood and long hot summers. Depending on where you are in the world, enjoying sunshine or braving the cold, I hope you are having loads of fun! 

I thought I'd tell you about the delightful blog Deas & Mia today - perfect for perusing while on holiday, it was created by Norwegian blogger Line and tracks the ongoing renovation of the home she shares with her husband and two children. Built in 1974, the transformation of this house is remarkable. I love everything, from the white walls and floors, to the beautiful but simple styling. A layering of textures by way of natural materials include such things as wool throws and cushions, wooden crates and a leather pouffe. Black and white details are off-set by greys and pops of bright yellow.  

Feeling inspired? Pop over to Deas & Mia to see many more photos of this gorgeous home, some clever DIY ideas, and to follow along. 

Can you believe tomorrow is the last day of 2012? Thank you so much for all your support, comments and feedback during the year. Enjoy your celebrations, and I'll see you in the New Year! Woop! 

All images via 

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