Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Virtual Interiors

I recently came across this image via Behance and was captivated by the cool industrial styling. I promptly pinned it to my bedroom board and it got a lot of repins. I also posted it to my Facebook page where it got lots of likes, comments and shares. Well, I have a confession to make. This is actually a 3D image, designed by freelance 3D artist Velizar Dimitrov from Bulgaria. Its 'realness' is remarkable, don't you think? 

I was going to fess up on Facebook but thought I'd see if anyone picked up on it first. Unsurprisingly no one did. Isn't it amazing what be can done with 3D rendering software these days? If it's in the hands of some very talented artists of course. Veliza specialises in architecture, interior design and furniture design. Here are a couple more examples of his work.

Since then I've started seeing more 3D interior images around the web. I came across an amazing series via Emmas Designblogg, featuring a property development project by Swedish firm Oscar Properties. Nybrogatan 57 will consist of luxury serviced apartments and judging by the artist's impression, the interiors are going to be stunning. 

The kitchen above is so beautiful with oak flooring and cabinetry, a marble benchtop and gold accents.

My other favourite image is the bedroom above. Spacious with a calm, neutral palette the gallery shelf above the bed is a lovely feature. The light and texture really amaze me. Small details bring the image to life and give it a lived-in feel. 

Interior designer Katty Schiebeck whose work I love teamed up with 3D artist Jesus Boyero to produce these amazing images, found via Katty's blog Somewhere I Would Like to Live. A minimalist penthouse in Barcelona, Katty has taken inspiration from both mid-century and nordic styles. A winning combination of white, wood and leather, I really would like to live here!

When we started building my husband was really excited to have discovered a (very basic) 3D program which he downloaded and used for our house plans. I was pretty impressed with it and I could definitely get a better sense of the layout and spaces. Now I can't help but think how cool it would be to have one of these super-talented artists create detailed, lifelike 3D images for us. Even though it still has a futuristic feel to me, I'm sure one day it will be the norm and regardless of being real or not, these images still provide plenty of inspiration, don't you think? 

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