Monday, August 6, 2012

Colour Tools

I could lose hours looking through the colour boards of those who I follow on Pinterest. My favourite colours? Black, white, grey, pink and yellow. These are the colours I like most when it comes to interiors and design but that's not to say I don't like other colours too. I'm obsessing over pastels in all shades right now. I have an inherited love of purple - it was my Grandmother's favourite colour - and I can't go past a bit of shimmer with golds and silvers. Oh, and did I mention turquoise? When I see it paired with white I crave Summer. Even more than usual! What colours are singing to you right now?

Besides Pinterest, there are many blogs I follow that focus on colour and today I wanted to share a couple with you.

There's a blog I love called Color Collective by American graphic designer Lauren Willhite. Using the work of photographers, designers and artists that inspire her, she cleverly extracts colour palettes from the images and shares them on her site. A wonderful resource for designers, it's also lovely eye-candy for us visual junkies!

Images via Color Collective 

Another blog that offers awesome colour inspiration is Creature Comforts. With the tagline 'The simple things that make life sweet', California-based blogger Ez (pronounced Ee-zee) writes about the beauty in everyday living which she often finds in the tiniest or most unexpected things. I love her gorgeous photo layouts and the way she uses colour to categorise her posts. Using photoshop's eyedropper tool, she also pulls colour profiles from images. I particularly love her collages.

Images via Creature Comforts

If you don't have photoshop, there is actually a site (found via Ez at Creature Comforts) that does this for you. The Color Palette Generator by takes your image and produces a matching colour palette. How cool is that? You just copy the URL (right click on your image), paste into the URL box on the site and presto - you have your colours! It's that easy.

Images via Pinterest

Try it out for yourself here. I'd love to hear how you go!

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