Sunday, July 22, 2012

Thank You!

Oh my, what a weekend! My eldest son turned five today so there were lots of celebrations! It left little time for the blog, so no 'Homes to Inspire' yesterday but I promise I'll post one this week! 

On Friday I received a wonderful surprise - a One Lovely Blog Award nomination from Anu of Decordots. Thank you Anu - you made my day! 

As part of the award, I must tell my readers seven facts about myself and then, the best part of all, I get to share the love by nominating up to 15 other blogs. 

All images: source

01. I studied ballet for all of my childhood and beyond. We're talking serious stuff - exams, competitions, full-time ballet training in Melbourne.... It wasn't an easy journey but it shaped who I am today and I still have a huge appreciation for this beautiful art. Check out my dance board on Pinterest.

02. I'd love to learn how to ride a horse.

03. My favourite number is 8.

04. I love peonies.

05. My father's passion was home textiles and furnishings and that was always the family business. My Dad also dreamt of becoming a writer. If he were still alive today I think he'd be pretty proud of me for starting this blog.

06. My favourite season is Summer and the beach is my 'happy place'.

07. I have two older sisters.

I've chosen to nominate some beautiful and inspiring Scandinavian blogs that I'm following right now....

Darling Things

Have a wonderful start to your week. I'll be back tomorrow with some more design goodness! 

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