Thursday, May 31, 2012

Style Queen | Susanna Vento

I find the work of Finnish stylist Susanna Vento flawless. She takes a very pure approach to interiors with precise and thoughtful arrangements of modern and classic design pieces, combined with quirky 'DIY' touches. Such a talented lady! Take a look at her impressive portfolio here. 

I spotted Susanna Vento's home recently on one of the blogs I follow, Design*Sponge. She shares the small apartment in Helsinki, Finland with husband Jussi and their daughter. What it lacks in size, it more than makes up for in style. All-over white, floors and ceilings included, maximise brightness. Black has been added for a gorgeous monochrome look, as well as colour or natural wood accents. When it comes to furniture, flea market and thrift store finds sit alongside design classics like the two Bertoia Diamond chairs which Susanna has used in replace of a sofa. 

Susanna's signature style. I want those horses!
A glimpse of one of the gorgeous Bertoia Diamond chairs
Monochrome styling. Love the graphic rugs 
Cool wallpaper!
How cute is this bedroom? You just can't beat a classic Eames Hang-It-All 
coat hanger!
Smeg fridge and superb styling on top. This black vacuum jug by Stelton
 is on my wishlist!
You can see more of the Vento's home here

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Kids Corner

When it comes to kids rooms there is just so much gorgeousness around right now. Whether you are decorating a nursery, girls room, boys room, shared room or playroom, there is no shortage of fabulously inspiring ideas out there. I've chosen some to share with you that include one or more of the features that I'm loving right now:

Eye-catching walls; blackboard walls provide such a cool, old-school aesthetic, as well as providing a fun interactive activity. Brightly painted feature walls (or ceilings), bold wallpaper, wall murals or wall decals can look amazing and really make a room come alive. 

Beautiful bedlinen; sheets, pillowslips, duvet covers, quilts, throws and cushions. Bright colours, polka dots, mix and match. There is so much fun to be had here! 

Great furniture; modern, vintage or industrial. Mixing styles together creates a fun, eclectic look. For gorgeous Scandi-style, you can't go wrong with white walls, pale wood furniture and pops of your child's favourite colours. 

Floor rugs; kids spend much of their time on the floor so it makes sense to add warmth and texture with a rug, especially to wooden floors. You could choose bright graphics or circular shapes for fun. My personal favourites are fluffy sheepskins and lovely, soft cowhide rugs. 

Pendant lights; these make such an impact visually, especially when hung over a cot or from the middle of the room. Paper lanterns are a lovely way to add colour and personality without blowing the budget. 

Pale wood shelves, cowhide rug, paper lantern and check out the striped 
White with pops of bright colours.
Blackboard wall, plywood bed, sheepskin rug, polka dot bedding and 
oversized paper lantern. 
Gorgeous handmade crocheted lights by Desaccord. 
Lovely vintage blackboards, dollhouse, and child-size Eames rocker. 
The junior collection by vtwonen, made from untreated plywood.  
A vintage, industrial filing cabinet makes great storage. Lovely textured rug. 
Crotchet 'doily' rug used as a bed throw. 
An industrial crate used as a toybox and gorgeous bright bedding. 
Pretty colours with a mix of vintage and modern furniture. 
Pops of bright colour. Love the angel wings on the mirror!
Pretty pom-poms and vintage beds. Great 'display' bookshelves.  
A big rug for a big room! These double desks are fabulous. 
A true Nordic bedroom. Beautiful cowhide rug. My boys would LOVE that 
Viking ship and swing! 
Striped wallpaper and fantastic storage. 
So much colour!Love the bedlinen and bedhead.  
This is so pretty! An all pink room can be done.  
Blackboard wall and bright colours. 
Yellow wall. 
A circle painted with chalkboard paint. Fun!
This purple wall is amazing! Who would've thought?!
Lots to love here. 
Monochrome and yellow. Swoon!! Lovely wall art too. 
Gorgeous bedlinen from By Nord
Striking wall mural and rug. 
Love these felt 'pixel' rugs! The moose-head light is very cool. 
Wall map. 
Such a sweet little vintage bed and check out the strip of bright wallpaper in 
the adjoining room.  
If you are on Pinterest, take a look at my kidsroom board for lots more gorgeous images.


Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Homes to Inspire | Lucerne

Recently completed, this incredible Auckland home was designed by Daniel Marshall Architects (DMA), an award winning, Auckland based practice. Situated in a prime location with sweeping city and harbour views, this home features some striking features. Housing a number of cars, the garage wraps around an entry courtyard, and its doors are cleverly designed to 'disappear into the adjoining cedar walls'. The entrance then transports visitors up through an atrium to take in the breath-taking views from the living level. An infinity pool mirrors the surrounding Orakei basin, bringing the sea views even closer. 

A number or beautiful bespoke items were commissioned for the house. When it comes to the interiors, I love the panels behind the dining table and the stunning hand blown chandelier by Katie Brown. 

Source: Design Folio Magazine