Saturday, December 29, 2012

Blog Love | Deas & Mia

Holidays are great aren't they? We had a wonderful day yesterday catching up with friends for lunch, taking the kids to the park and then cooling off at home in the paddling pool with a hose! I can't get enough of listening to the boys squealing with delight. It brings back so many lovely memories of childhood and long hot summers. Depending on where you are in the world, enjoying sunshine or braving the cold, I hope you are having loads of fun! 

I thought I'd tell you about the delightful blog Deas & Mia today - perfect for perusing while on holiday, it was created by Norwegian blogger Line and tracks the ongoing renovation of the home she shares with her husband and two children. Built in 1974, the transformation of this house is remarkable. I love everything, from the white walls and floors, to the beautiful but simple styling. A layering of textures by way of natural materials include such things as wool throws and cushions, wooden crates and a leather pouffe. Black and white details are off-set by greys and pops of bright yellow.  

Feeling inspired? Pop over to Deas & Mia to see many more photos of this gorgeous home, some clever DIY ideas, and to follow along. 

Can you believe tomorrow is the last day of 2012? Thank you so much for all your support, comments and feedback during the year. Enjoy your celebrations, and I'll see you in the New Year! Woop! 

All images via 

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Summer Holiday Inspiration

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and are now enjoying some down time. Having been the first Christmas since starting the blog, I was unsure about how much time to take off. Unfortunately we're not going away this year - the downside to building - but I thought I'd take it day by day rather than give you a date that I'd be back posting. As passionate as I am about blogging I believe that taking some time out to recharge the batteries is essential, as is spending time with my family and stopping to cherish the little things in life. 

Unfortunately the weather packed in just before Christmas here, but when the sun decides to grace us with her presence again the boys and I will be spending lots of time at the local beaches. I've been trying hard to stay away from the internet in general although I still love my daily dose of Pinterest! So today I thought I'd stop by and say hello, and leave you with some images that have caught my eye over the break - all Summer holiday inspired.

For more inspiration take a look at my Summer Pinterest board. 

All images: source 

Sunday, December 23, 2012

NZ House & Garden | The Holiday Issue

Being that it's Christmas Eve, I hope you are enjoying a breather before all the craziness that tomorrow will no doubt bring! Before you head away, or switch off your computer I wanted to give you a taste of the latest NZ House & Garden magazine which I was lucky enough to get my hands on late last week. Perfect for my Kiwi friends who are embarking on their summer break, the January Holiday Issue which went on sale today really is a must-read.  

The stunning blue and white beach-themed cover promises pages of dreamy homes and beautiful baches and it certainly delivers. Here are a few of my favourites. 

This stunning beachfront holiday home is located at Whangapoua in the Coromandel. 

This gorgeous home in Mt Victoria, Wellington belongs to Amanda Holland, the owner of interiors store Small Acorns.   

Situated at Waikanae Beach, outside of Wellington, this bach has been given a lovely Scandinavian style makeover. 

Other highlights include the entertaining section which provides delicious recipe ideas for the beach and barbie, a special feature on bathrooms and laundries which as far as our build goes, couldn't have come at a better time. The Art, Books and Blogs section is always a great read and this month I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to list a few of my favourite blogs - check it out on page 159! 

Have a wonderful Christmas everyone! 

All images via the pages of NZ House & Garden. 

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Homes to Inspire | Super Stylish in Sweden

When I saw the image above on Trendenser this morning I did a double take. I recognised the sideboard styling, having loved and pinned a close up image of it a long time ago. I had even used it in this moodboard. When I clicked through to the feature on Lovely Life, I was excited to discover the full house tour. That gorgeous styling that initially caught my eye continues throughout the entire home. 

Swedish stylist Sanna Fischer Nordström lives here with her husband and their two children. Sanna clearly has an amazing eye for interiors and has given the 1950s home oodles of style and charm. An impressive collection of photography is displayed throughout the living areas and master bedroom, alongside beautiful furniture and homewares.  

In fact this is one of those rare homes where every room features one of my current obsessions, such as the Arne Jacobsen cup in the workspace and Pia Wallen cross blanket in the bedroom. 

When you see these adorable kids rooms it makes sense to learn that Sanna specialises in kids styling. In addition to writing weekly about kids fashion in Swedish publication Aftonbladet, Sanna is a blogger for Hannas Room where she writes about all things stylish for Mums and kids. Take a look at her blog here

To see the full series of photographs and a little interview with Sanna, conducted by Lovely Life writer Johanna Laskey, pop over here 

Images via

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Interior Styling | Glass Domes

Often referred to as a glass cloche or bell jar, the glass dome originated in France for the purpose of protecting garden plants from the cold and frost to hasten crops to maturity. Nowadays glass domes still make lovely garden accents, but their uses have broadened. In addition to making great food covers when entertaining, they can be used to highlight beautiful flowers or fruit. They also provide an ideal way to showcase favourite objects, turning your tucked away treasures into beautiful still-life displays. 

Gass domes work well in any style decor. A collector's dream, they can be grouped together in different sizes, while those who prefer to keep things simple can display them on their own or alongside other glass pieces. Perfect for the festive season, why not use them to bring attention to gorgeous Christmas ornaments and decorations?

Images: source