Thursday, April 4, 2013

Through the Lens of | Jeroen van der Spek

I'm not sure about you, but as much as I love short weeks, this one has thrown me a bit off schedule! Perhaps I'm juggling a few too many things right now but either way I still wanted to get a post up, so luckily I had one up my sleeve that I started a while back but hadn't finished. I was so inspired by the work of photographer Joroen van der Spek and the incredible interior spaces that he shoots, I ended up using a couple in my moodboards and the post went by the wayside. Take a look for yourself, and I'm sure you'll agree it had to be revived! Amazingly talented, Jeroen has captured the beautiful and varied interior elements here to perfection. 

Pale wood, grey and a touch of black? Yes please...

Dreamy white spaces with muted, chalky hues...

Pops of bright colour provide contrast and personality. Loving the turquoise...

Dark and edgy with layers of texture including wood, wool and leather...

Oversized vintage letters in green look amazing against the black...

It would be unfair not to show you a couple of Jeroen's stunning outdoor photos, so here you go...

I hope that's left you with some good Friday vibes and inspiration. It's easy to see why Jeroen's work makes such great moodboard matter! Check out more of the magic here. Have a fun, creative weekend and I'll see you Monday. 

All images via

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