Thursday, June 13, 2013

Studio 46 | Terrarium Workshops

It would be hard not to have noticed the buzz surrounding indoor plants lately. A trend that was big in the 70s, decorating with plants has become popular again in recent years, and I have to admit I'm more than keen to jump on board. It seems that every time I'm on Pinterest I see another Fiddle Leaf Fig and by golly, I want to get my hands on one for the new house! (Watch this space). Another plant trend I'm loving right now is the terrarium, so I was pretty excited to have discovered a class here in Auckland, where you learn how to make one.

Held at Studio 46 on Auckland's North shore, this gorgeous little space is run by two clever creatives, Amber Roper of Red Creative Event Styling and Annie Oxborough a Botanical Stylist. They are also joined by my friend Rachael McMahon of the beautiful blog Made From Scratch, who is now running her popular Cake Decorating Workshops there. In fact, Rachael has kindly invited me to watch one of her classes next week and I can't wait! Being the super clever lass and successful blogger that she is, Rachael is also starting to run workshops for aspiring bloggers, with Blogging 101, Blog Design and Social Media Starter. Pop over here to find out more.

The Terrarium Workshops are run by Annie O, who started out in the floral business at only 14, opening her first shop in Herne Bay at 23, specialising in events including weddings and private functions. In addition to event styling and workshops she now styles for magazines, retail shops and bars. Incredibly talented, you may have seen Annie's stunning botanical pieces, including bespoke bouquets and handmade terrariums at The Department Store.

Rachael attended the Terrific Terrariums Workshop held last Tuesday night at Studio 46 and raved about it! As well as learning all about these gorgeous little plant worlds from resident terrarium guru Annie, participants got to make their own one to take home. They were also given a bag full of goodies from MOR Cosmetics, All’antica, Made From Scratch, Homestyle Magazine, and Annie ORachael has sent me some exclusive photos from the night to share with you, taken by the lovely Gem Adams from Blackbird Blog.

The next Terrific Terrariums Workshop is in September. Pop over here to find out more and to sign  up. Hopefully I'll be joining you! There are also Private Group Classes available, including Team Terrariums, perfect for team building and a bit of fun with the colleagues! For the full schedule of workshops held at Studio 46 take a look here

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