Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Guest Post | Amy from Milo and Mitzy

Amy recently approached me about guest blogging for each other, and I thought it would a fun thing to do! Milo and Mitzy is another NZ blog, and Amy has a great eye for interiors. We share similar tastes, evident in her post today which carries on the black and white theme from yesterday! Over to you Amy....

I am very excited and honoured to be here with you as a guest blogger for The Design Chaser. I am a new Mum to my little girl Frankie, a wife, a soon to be primary school teacher, a good friend and a crazy lover of interiors, fashion, photography, cooking and all things alike. I have a strong love for black and white in the home thrown in with a dash of colour. Next on my wish list; some cool industrial lights for my kitchen followed by a vintage restaurant menu. (Hard to find, believe me!)

Today I have put together some of my favourite interior images from French by Design. I love the crisp black and white of these interiors combined with other materials such as wood, bricks and concrete. I like that people are embracing a mix of trends in their homes these days rather than sticking to just the one. I am a big fan of mixing vintage, industrial and Scandi designs together as these images show.

All images via French By Design

Amy x

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