Saturday, June 30, 2012

Blogging My Way

About a month ago I started an e-course called Blogging Your Way that was founded by Holly Becker of Decor8, one of the first blogs I ever read and loved. Although I anticipated good things I had no idea how brilliant the journey would end up being. Holly is such an inspiration to new and seasoned bloggers alike and we are so fortunate that she shares her wealth of experience and knowledge with us. Joined by some amazing guest teachers the classes cover everything from interior styling and photography to how to publish an e-mag. Although I have yet to master photoshop, find my voice a hundred percent or take my own snapshots, I now have the tools to help me get there.

I've always loved design and I know I've said it before but I get such a thrill from sharing what I find with you, my readers. There is so much inspiration to be found around the world and web, in books and magazines. In fact, I really believe you can find it wherever you look. 

The course has inspired me to take risks and reach my goals. What's really special is that I have you lovely readers to share every step of the way with. So I hope you will come with me as I continue to do what I love and build on what I've started. Some things you can expect to see are updates on our home build, when it gets underway, progress with my own interior styling, photography, and interviews with some creative people.

I'm also currently working on the redesign of my blog, with the help of a professional, so changes are in sight...

And that's me, The Design Chaser. Blogging MY way.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend. I'll be back tomorrow with 'Homes to Inspire'.  

All images - source

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