Thursday, March 28, 2013

Happy Easter

Just a quick post today to wish everyone a happy and safe Easter. I'm taking a few days off to recharge the batteries and spend time with family and friends. I'm sure there will also be some chocolate consumption! I hope you're doing the same... I'll be back on Tuesday but first, here's a little bit of Easter moodboard inspiration. Enjoy!

Images via my Pinterest boards

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Scandi Style Revolution | & Other Stories

When I heard about the recent launch of Scandinavian fashion brand & Other Stories and all the excitement surrounding it, I was itching to find out more. Enlisting the help of fashion journalist Flora Hughes-Onslow, I managed to get the low-down. Not only that, Flora has written a post for me today, which I'm very excited to share with you. Firstly here's a bit of background on Flora. Based in the UK, she has written for Vogue Traveller, 1883 magazine and The Evening Standard, amongst others. She also writes for Danish Fashion Collective Miinto and is a huge fan of Scandinavian style and follower of The Design Chaser. Loving that! 

Flora recently attended the London opening of & Other Stories and is going to tell us a bit about that and also the huge surge in interest in Scandinavian style. That's right, seems us Scandi-style addicts are not alone! 

Over to you Flora....

It seems that Scandinavia is increasingly taking up the style torch as the world’s most sartorially powerful region, basically acting as the modern barometer of cool.

Endless Scandi brands have recently enjoyed immense global success, from the likes of Day Birger et Mikkelsen and Cos to artistic brand Dagmar, the young brainchild of three creative Swedish sisters. And now the effortlessly and faultlessly chic Scandinavians have opened up another future fashion powerhouse, ‘& Other Stories’.

Attended the hotly anticipated launch of the Swedish brand’s first London store, I was sceptical. Considering all the hype and secrecy building up to it, it had a lot to live up to.

Yet the debut collection was varied, sharp and most importantly, affordable. The designs were all bold yet wonderfully simplistic and manufactured to an impressively high level of quality. Having already opened in Paris, Stockholm and Copenhagen and with all clothes designed in unique creative ateliers, under the ethos of ‘empowering women to create and emphasize their personal style’, it’s a brand that’s bound to be a huge success.

Not to mention the incredibly designed shop space itself. A huge amount of time, money and thought must surely have gone into the creation of the 1000 square metre, two-level flagship on Regent Street. Classically Scandinavian of course, the minimalistic decor was stylish, classy and modern. With items displayed as if they were works of art curated in a gallery, the shopping experience felt calming, interesting and exciting all at once.

But this fashion launch is only the latest in a long list of recent Scandinavian cultural exports.

We are undoubtedly having a truly Scandinavian moment, and this is merely the very beginning. Regardless of the fact that Europe is sinking ever deeper into a vast recession; Scandinavian brands seem to be riding a high wave of success and showing no signs of flailing.

When it comes to interiors Scandinavians have been leading the way for years. Obviously the most popular and well known of all the regions interiors brands would have to be Ikea, which seems to have a Europe-wide monopoly on affordable furniture. But there are also numerous incredibly successful more highbrow Scandinavian interiors brands, renowned for their simplicity, practicality and sensational aesthetics. There’s something pure about Scandinavian style, bare yet warm, minimalist but homely and often centred around an intelligent use of light.

With such panache, it seems impossible that Scandinavian design won’t continue to reach further and further afield; so sit back and enjoy the coming of the Scandi style revolution.

Images via
Interiors via

I certainly intend to. How about you? Huge thanks to Flora for her brilliant post. I might have to borrow her again! 

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Interview | Jane Denton

Wellington-based designer Jane Denton specialises in unique textile art. Her beautiful work has a delicate quality yet at the same time there is depth and texture created by the use of wool. Although contemporary, the simplicity of the artworks mean that they look amazing in any style interior. I wanted to find out more so I asked Jane a few questions... 

Are you originally from Wellington? What do you enjoy most about living there?

Yes I grew up in Wellington. I thinks it’s a fun city to live in, there’s always lots going on, there’s a good energy and people are down to earth and friendly.

Can you tell us a bit about your background and the path that led you to textile art and design?

In my early twenties I made jewellery that was so popular with my friends it became my first business.

Later, after living in Australia we came back to NZ and bought our first home. I couldn’t find any art in our price range that I loved so I set out to make some. I set up a space to create something myself but at the time I didn’t actually know what I was going to make. I’d originally thought I would design some patterns on the computer and print them, but it didn’t feel like enough, the pictures were too “flat”. I wanted more texture and a point of difference with my work.

One day I found some old wool I’d kept from years before from a Jennifer Pudney cross stitch kit and I absolutely loved the colours. Around the same time I was driving through Wellington (down Vivian Street) and saw a wire fence where people had wound wool around parts of the fence in different shapes. And I guess that’s where it all began. I came home, got the wool out and started stitching onto linen, the same long stitches I’d just seen on the fence.

Again they were very popular with my friends at first and it quickly grew from there.

You are passionate about colour but we're seeing more of a neutral palette in your recent pieces. Can you tell us about the direction of your new work?

I still absolutely love bolder colours and making a statement but I’ve become increasingly drawn to a softer, more neutral palette. As a creative person you’re always wanting to move out of your comfort zone, and moving into a new colour palette introduces a new set of challenges for me which I really enjoy. It’s been exciting to move away from stronger colours and take things even further in terms of simplicity - when things are simple the design really has to work! I’ll definitely be back working with brighter colours in the future but for now I’m loving the lightness and prettiness of a more pale, subtle palette.

Do you have a favourite artwork from your current range?

Yes! I’m really excited about ‘X’ (a white X on white), I’ve tried to achieve a woven affect with the wool. I love its subtlety, and the feeling of softness created by the white merino wool on white canvas. I think the simplicity of this piece is quite beautiful.

What are you working on at present?

I’m working on a whole new series based on my ‘X’ pieces. I’m currently making an inky blue piece - it’s been challenging to use a single dark colour and achieve a light, fresh, delicate look.

Where do you find creative inspiration - local or international design, the web, magazines etc?

I love reading about creative people and seeing what’s new – I often look on Pinterest, (LOVE Design Chaser boards!), blogs like The Design Files, The Design Chaser and another favourite is Cush & Nooks.

How would you describe your personal style and how is this reflected in your own home?

I’m always drawn to simple things which have an element of fun but are still stylish and well designed. Our home is comfortable and inviting and it incorporates my love of design and colour. I don’t like things to be too fussy, so the colour palette is neutral with splashes of colour and pattern.

Do you have any advice for other artists or creatives who dream of going into business themselves?

To always go with your gut feeling, and I think persistence is key - doing what you love is the best job!!

Such great advice and I'd have to agree, the white on white 'X' artwork is just stunning. I can't wait to see the new series. Huge thanks to Jane for her time and for the beautiful images. Jane's home is actually going to be featured in an upcoming issue of Your Home & Garden so keep an eye out for that! 

To see more of Jane's collection visit where you'll also find information on buying and stockists. Follow on Facebook for updates and loads of interior inspiration! 

Monday, March 25, 2013

Home Build | Workspace Inspiration

I'm sure it comes as no surprise that I'm super excited about this room. Once we've completed the build I can't wait to start transforming it into a stylish and inspiring work environment. For me that means a bright white space with bold black accents, softened by touches of pink and yellow and a little bit of copper. 

Essentially the forth bedroom, I knew from the start that I wanted it to be an office but also a guest room. With that comes a few key factors, firstly space or in our case lack of! Once you put in a desk big enough for two workstations it doesn't leave a lot of extra room for a bed. Stealing the idea from a friend who has an amazing set up in her kid's playroom, we'd love to install storage cupboards along one side of the room, with a foldout bed. You'd never know it was a bed when you walk into the room, the simple white cupboard doors look great and and of course the storage is a handy feature. Yet when it folds out, the double bed also looks fantastic. It's not something we can afford to do right now but it could easily be added in at some point in the future. In the meantime, I'm on the hunt for a stylish foldout sofa bed that won't break the bank. 

The next factor is the desk. I've wanted a trestle table for as long as I can remember, but because we want to fit two chairs ideally side by side, it makes sense to do away with trestle legs to allow for more leg room. When I suggested to hubby that we get one custom made he was dead keen, however in light of our overspending on the house itself we've also had to put a hold on that idea at least for now. The good news is I've sourced this great trestle table from The Trestle Union which is a decent length and totally affordable. 

The third factor is the flooring. Initially we decided to carpet all the bedrooms, this one included but being that it's an office I quite like the idea of wooden flooring. Because it's on the same level as the kitchen, dining and living which all have the 'white ash' wooden floorboards we've chosen, I think it would create a lovely seamless look. 

Recently however I came across the home of blogger Liz Buchman of Grey and Scout via one of my regular haunts Glitter Guide, featuring her beautiful home office/guest room. Seeing how cosy and inviting it looks with carpet, I'm now undecided! What are your thoughts?

From the many inspiring images I've pinned over the course of this project I've cherry picked a few to demonstrate the features we want or are still deciding on, starting with Liz's home mentioned above. 

I'm really keen to install some shelves (1) as they provide a great place for storage boxes and even artworks. I've seen a few around lately like these ones that have white shelves with contrasting shelf brackets. A great way to add a touch of gold, I also love the black and white ones that you'll see in my wishlist collage further down. This simple trestle desk (2) is perfect, although we'd need a longer one as mentioned above. When it comes to chairs, there are several design classics that I would happily choose from if money were no object. I love the simplicity of transparent chairs (3) and one of my faves is the Louis Ghost Chair from Kartell. I especially love the way Liz has teamed her chair with a sheepskin and leopard cushion. Do you see what I mean by the cosy feel of the carpet? (4) Especially with it being a guest room...

When I first saw this room it took me a minute to realise that it was actually a guest room rather than a lounge. Both the foldout sofa (1) and rug (2) are great features. 

Spotted on Weekday Carnival, I already have my Z lamp by Leitmotiv from Let Liv (1) and although I'm yet to get my hands on an Apple iMac (2) it will happen one day! I thank Jennifer Hagler of A Merry Mishap for introducing me to artist Leigh Viner and this gorgeous print (3) which I purchased some time ago after writing about Leigh here. I can't wait to put it up on the office wall.

Another thing I'm dying to do is create a moodboard for the wall. There are some great examples in this post Interior Styling with Home Moodboards that I wrote recently. I also love clipboards (1) and purchased a couple of patterned ones some time ago for a steal from Collected. I'm not sure you can still get them but I'm now so inspired by the image above and loads more examples around the web, I wish I'd got more! I do know that the gorgeous Danish brand House Doctor have these pretty ones and even the plain ones above, which you can probably buy from any stationery or book shop look fantastic. Another great trestle table (2) and a fabulous example of pale wooden flooring carried through from the rest of the home (3). Aahh...decisions, decisions.. 

Here are three examples of how we could look at creating a workspace for two. A corner desk like this one (1) is a clever option. A long desk (2) such as this provides enough room for seating side by side. Or we could sit opposite one another, which works well with a trestle table (3) as shown here. In case you're wondering, unlike me my husband doesn't actually work from home but we'd both like an office space so sharing is the obvious solution. 

To finish off I've put together (a rather large - eek!) wishlist including both big ticket items and smaller accessories. 

Links below images 

01 Workspace details via Stylizimo
02 Eames House Bird
03 Stendig Calendar
04 Shelves via The Super Ordinary
05 Washi Tape from Sweet Pea Parties
06 Copper Cup from Ferm Living
07 Stationers Trestle Desk from Freedom Furniture
08 Workspace details via Nordic Leaves
09 Set of boxes by Hay from La Maison d'Anna G
10 Akita concrete & copper Tape Dispenser
11 Brass scissors by Hay from Hviit
12 Kasbah Wool Rug from West Elm
13 Kartell Masters Chair from
14 Unfurl Sofa by Per Weiss from Danish Design Store
15 Hay Plissé archive folder
16 Copper Tray from Ferm Living
17 Wire Basket from Ferm Living
18 Pin Board from Ferm Living

Goodness, I am a greedy girl. I wonder if I can pull it off?! 

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Monday Mix Up | Design Loves

Despite this cheery moodboard, my day hasn't quite gone to plan. This morning I managed to break a mirror, and even though I'm not superstitious, and it was a cheap handheld, having to clean up broken glass is never fun. Somehow I managed to get my son to school on time, early in fact, which for me is quite an achievement on a Monday morning. After dropping my other son off to creche and sweating my way through a Pump class, I dashed off to pick up a sidetable I had on hold, only to find half the store on sale. Oh no!! I then completely lost track of time, got stuck in the undercover car park, and when I finally got to my car I couldn't for the life of me find the exit! Even worse, I somehow managed to break my beloved Dita Sparrow Sunglasses. GRrrr... It was however, the blinding sunlight that saved me, showing me the way out and well, I eventually made it home.. with a new pair of Ray Bans (oops!). Thanks Sunglass Bar

Right, sorry to bang on..  let's get back to today's post! When I came across the Happy Monday image, curating a moodboard was a no-brainer, especially when it comes to black, white and touches of green. As always, my Pinterest boards provided the complimentary images.

I had an exciting week last week, lining up interviews and guest posts which I hope will come to fruition this week and next. In between, I've come across lots of design finds and inspiration so rather than choosing just one, which I'm struggling with today, I thought I'd round them up and show you all at once. 

The Death Lamp which I discovered via Trendendser is designed by Ida and Stina, is hand made in Sweden of polished MDF and comes in three sizes. Simple, geometric and bound to make a statement either hung or placed on its side like this, I think I have actually died... and gone to heaven. 

If you'd like a serious dose of design goodness, check out Yatzer's Best of Stockholm Design Week 2013. It was hard to choose just one, but the Collect Cabinet by A2 was a standout due to it's unique leather doors and fish scale pattern. Designed by Sara Larsson, this talented lady is most definitely one to watch. 

More light love, this time with Jennifer Hagler's new light that she posted on her blog A Merry Mishap over the weekend. Classic in white with a touch of brass the Pendant Lamp A110 by one of my design heroes Alvar Aalto, is now also on my wish-list. 

My jaw literally dropped when I saw this incredible outdoor kitchen on La Boheme. Designed by LA firm Commune, the inside of the home is also incredible. Check out the full house tour here

This beautiful shoot for fashion brand Hoss Intropia had me captivated with its dreamy, ethereal images. Found via Sarah Klassen's blog Haute Design, it features the intriguing illustrator Quentin Jones who is the new Intropia woman for Spring-Summer 2013. See more here.  

I've been bowled over by the 3D interiors I've seen lately such as those in my recent post Virtual Interiors. This 3D cafe Creative Coffee is another one. Created using 3DSMAX, Vray and Photoshop, you have to see it to believe it!  

Spotted on Plastolux, I can't get this beautifully elegant Sofa by Jorge Zalszupin out of my mind.

Some stunning photos shot by Line Klein, for Alt Interiør, featuring a living room styled in three different ways, with one amazing couch. I clearly have furniture on the brain right now, but you really must see these. Take a look here

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Interior Styling | Concrete & Wood

I find the combination of concrete and wood in interiors really appealing so when I came across the beautiful photo series Where Concrete Meets Wood some time ago, I bookmarked it to share with you. Styled by Amanda Rodriguez, the Stockholm stylist whose work I've long admired, (she was even one of my first Pinterest Picks) the way she describes the two raw materials tells you a lot about how she sees the world, finding beauty in simplicity and the small details that surround her. Usually thought of as being strong and robust, she sees them turned into something fragile: the concrete into warm ash and the wood into light pink powder. Take a look and you'll see what she means. 

Photographed by Elin Strömberg and featured on This Is Paper, you can see the full series here.

Recently one of my lovely readers who is also building a home asked for some advice regarding her kitchen. When she described it as being concrete and wood I felt very excited for her! I immediately thought of these kitchens from my Kitchen Pinterest board...

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 

The concrete gives an edgy, industrial feel to the spaces while the wood provides contrast, warmth and a rustic touch. 

I'm currently loving this style used in bathrooms. I think it's because I've been looking at lots of white, modern bathrooms lately, which after a while can seem a bit bland and sterile. These however are anything but... 

1 | 2 | 3 

Wood and concrete can also be carried through to other areas of the home as these images demonstrate. 

1 | 2 | 3 | 4

I'm a massive fan of using wood in the home. You may remember my Interior Styling with Wood post where I showed how wood can be introduced not only through flooring, cabinetry and furniture but also with smaller touches like homewares, lighting and accessories. The same goes for concrete... 

This is actually a very impressive DIY lamp found via Nimi Design. See instructions how to make it here.

This is Nina Holst's second living room. The concrete tea lights and vase look great in the grey themed room, sitting on a rustic wood coffee table alongside a silver Moroccan tray. Have you noticed how often I source Nina's home and styling?! I just can't get enough! If you haven't yet checked out her blog Stylizimo, you must! 

A clever alternative to the real deal, you would never know that this is actually Concrete wallpaper! Designed by Tom Haga, I discovered it just the other day via the lovely blog Sai Zaialism

Talk about a dream kitchen! What are your thoughts on concrete and wood in the home?

I'm so excited - we've got our roof shout this afternoon! Things are moving quickly which is great but there are still so many decisions to make. Eek! Look out for another installment of Home Build on the blog next week. Happy Friday everyone. 

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

La Donna Moderna & Moodboards

This week I had the pleasure of writing a guest post for the fabulous website La Donna Moderna, a fantastic resource for the modern woman and her family. Always fun, stylish and informative, I love receiving both my regular email and Facebook updates from them. For great product and service reviews which will keep you up to date with what's hot right now, I highly recommend checking out their site. They cover a wide range of categories such as interiors, fashion, food & drink, travel, entertainment, inspiring women, weddings, health & beauty and more! If that's not enough to entice you, they also have loads of exciting competitions. Here's a collection of inspiring images from some of their recent features. How amazing are those wedding cakes?

Head over to the La Donna Moderna homepage to sign up to their newsletter and receive subscriber only specials. For daily updates that will make you smile, 'Like' their Facebook page. While you're checking out their site, you can read my guest post featuring some gorgeous Scandi style living room inspiration!

To finish off I thought I'd share a couple of Pinterest moodboards with you, firstly with some minty inspiration.  

I curated this one today for all my Facebook followers. I reached a milestone this week by passing the 2000 'likes' mark and it's made me super happy! Thank you to everyone for your support with the blog, Facebook and Pinterest! It means so much to me.  

Have a wonderful day everyone. See you back here tomorrow